Fotomontage Tastatur Rezeption Handy
Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.”
Frank Zappa
Welcome to act

We see ourselves as consultants for optimised communication and interaction between tourism service providers and their customers.
Our services are aimed at hospitality businesses, tour operators and agents. The focus is on information management and accessibility content for customer-oriented, accessible offers. > sustainable – digital – universal.

We are lateral thinkers and act with passion. We like to think outside the box in search of clever ideas. act provides future-oriented impulses for your offer and customer communication. With our solutions you can gain a constantly growing customer base and increase your sales volume.

Be curious about new insights and
convert lookers into bookers with us.
Chameleon - I see something you don't see
The secret of success is to understand the point of view of the other.”
Henry Ford


from the user perspective

Our aim:
Relevant information plus communication at eye level with the customer.
act considers the marketing of accessible travel in the context of the international tourism industry.
And we think today about solutions for tomorrow.

Authentic insights
We know exactly where the obstacles and system weaknesses lie for travellers with reduced mobility, which product managers are not aware of. As a wheelchair user, the founder of act can precisely define the requirements of these customers.
Our insider's perspective, combined with expertise in accessibility, makes the decisive difference to implement truly practical solutions.

act is the first provider of UX-centric accessibility content for the travel industry.

Trust in original first-hand knowledge!
Your advance:
Increased efficiency and reduction of operational costs

Many service providers in tourism benefit from an innovative approach to customers with "access needs". In addition to the “right perspective”, specific content and tailor-made marketing are the key success factors. You can achieve a lot with the right details:
  • competent information and individual fulfilment of wishes
  • reduction of errors and complaints
  • deal-oriented customer consulting through simplified search processes and information support for travel agency and service staff.
  • seamless booking processes
  • satisfied customers, positive reviews, high potential of regular customers
  • improved conversion rates
You are not
you get

Reason to act

Our motivations

My name is Torsten Schäfer, I am a traveller between two worlds and founder of act.

About my person: Dipl. Ing. mechanical engineering, YOM.: ’67, mileage: 62,300 km on foot, 29,700 km on wheels (as a wheelchair user). International business and holiday trips have brought me closer to the world and its people. I have seen and experienced a lot – of course also the most different interpretations of “accessibility”.
* Conclusion: you have to be prepared for everything everywhere.

Some European countries are significantly more progressive than Germany in the area of accessible tourism. Also emerging countries are dealing with the topic, with pragmatic, sometimes surprisingly good results and helpfulness. Accessibility can often be found in places where one would least expect it.

You are not “disabled”, you get disabled.

Barriers – Travel planning in the 20th century
Anyone in a wheelchair experiences many obstacles and curiosities in everyday life and while travelling, which an “outsider” without a disability would not notice.
The first big challenge is already in the planning and booking phase, which costs an immense amount of time and nerves and only leads to good results with insider knowledge. These difficulties are repeated with every trip.

Many other travellers with handicaps worldwide and scientific studies complain about the same problems! This has motivated me to conceive solutions. Because it is not about a marginal phenomenon!

Personal preferences
Authentic experiences instead of all inclusive. I particularly enjoy travelling with my partner through South Africa, Namibia, Botswana – individually planned, by rental car. There are many other adventure destinations on the to-do list. I also like to spend a holiday with friends in a ( accessible!) holiday home – there are also good approaches, but just as much potential for optimisation.